Services to owners


Support begins with an in-depth analysis of your situation and a good understanding of your interests, which will allow us to advise you carefully.


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We offer you an estimate or an analysis of the valuation both for the rental or the sale of your property, emphasizing human contact and listening. Contact us confidentially.


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Property management experts are responsible for 450 buildings. These are both residential buildings with free or subsidized rent, luxury buildings, and mixed or commercial buildings.


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Managment of
individual lots

Renting and managing such living spaces requires special attention and care. At first, we estimate free and precisely the real estate that you wish to offer for rent.


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Condo Managment

We take care of all aspects related to the management of the building. Our services contribute to the sustainability of the building and guarantee you strict compliance with the rules and customs of the common areas.


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Technical and administrative management services specifically intended for our institutional clients have been created. They specialize in building management for institutional clients in order to best meet their specific needs.


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We give you the benefit of our extensive experience in real estate projects: from the analysis of your needs and the market, through the feasibility study, the development of strategic and financial plans, the survey and site monitoring.


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Analyzes have shown that buildings are responsible for more than 40% of CO2 emissions in Switzerland. The impact of their maintenance and bringing them up to energy standards is therefore very important in order to limit global warming.


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Legal Aid

You want to protect yourself from any legal inconvenience and assert your rights. Our legal department guarantees you complete peace of mind by fulfilling six main missions.


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We take care of launching calls for tenders and negotiating the best conditions. We represent you with insurance in order to best defend your rights and interests.


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